Mother and daughter chatting

Tween and Tender: securing a nuturing relationship for life

Fun activities for one or both parents and their tween to build a strong bond that will last a lifetime. The skills and insights gained will help you both to face the challenges of the teen years – and beyond – with confidence and skill.

Play Packages will be sent out to all participants for unboxing before the program begins.

Program Activities Include:

  • My three wishes – a playful introduction creating trust and warmth
  • ‘Being With’ – learning how you can deal with ‘big feelings’ together
  • Making ‘CopeCakes’ – learn to brighten up whatever lift throws at you both

The Programs are 1.5 hours per week for six weeks on zoom and group sizes are strictly limited to eight families – so book now.

Cost: US $60 per week for six weeks – US$360*

Play Packages will be sent out to all participants for unboxing before the program begins.


Upcoming Dates

* If you are suffering from financial difficulties, we have a limited number of scholarships for this Program. Please email Alexis direct to apply.

Other courses

Campfire Family Coaching runs a number of inspirational courses for families, including…

  • Who am I behind the mask
  • Balancing Life together
  • Turning conflict into connection
  • Time challenge: From video games to family dinner – before the food gets cold
  • You are parenting your tween – but who is parenting you?
  • Drawing your emotional map
  • Games people play – helping tweens communicate with adults
  • Being you and still being a parent
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